Tutta Bella Fundraiser

Spring Book Fair

Fun Run
Award Nominations

2025-2026 PTA Board
Cougar Store Wishlist
Shopping at the Cougar Store is a highlight of the month for IVE students, who get to spend their hard-earned Cougar Awards on fun prizes ranging from stickers to Squishmallows. Please help the IVE PTA keep the store stocked with goodies by making a donation through the our Cougar Store Wishlist on Amazon. Have questions? Email cougarstore@ivepta.org.
Join the IVE PTA for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Click here to join!
PTA Volunteer Needs
Chairs and Committee Members Needed!
Salmon Days committee members (parking fundraiser)
Holiday Choir chair
Staff Appreciation chair
Grand Committee members
DIVE (Dudes of IVE) chair
Volunteers Needed!
Trunk or Treat
Book Fair
DIVE (Dudes of IVE)
Popcorn Fridays
Cougar Store
Art Docent
Salmon Days (parking fundraiser)
*Help us bring back more of our favorite IVE programs this year! Programs without chairs will be cancelled.
Contact volunteer@ivepta.org.
Want to Volunteer?
The Issaquah School District Volunteer Application is required for volunteering in the school.
TIP: The application can take a couple weeks to be approved, so fill it out now!
Issaquah Valley Elementary
555 NW Holly Street
Issaquah, WA 98027
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Interested in becoming a sponsor of our PTA?
Email president@ivepta.org to get more information!
Thank you!